"Quiz Millionnaire" is a popular quiz show that has been broadcast since 2000. "Quiz Millionnaire" is a skit created as an homage to Quiz Millionnaire. If you answer multiple-choice questions correctly, the prize money increases, and you answer questions with the aim of winning 10 million yen... [Quiz Millionnaire] A popular quiz show that has been broadcast on Fuji TV since 2000. The host is Mino Monta. If you answer 10 questions correctly, you can win a prize of 10 million yen. There are three rescue measures called lifelines along the way. YouTube channel [Jinnai Tomonori's Neta Jin] Every Wednesday at an unspecified time! Every Saturday at 6pm, skit videos are uploaded! ◼️Jinnai Tomonori Twitter https://twitter.com/jinnai_tomonori?l...