Tokatçı is a 1983 Turkish comedy film starring Kemal Sunal and directed by Natuk Baytan. The director of Tokatçı is Natuk Baytan, the producer is Yahya Kılıç, and the screenwriter is Suphi Tekniker. The cast of Tokatçı is Kemal Sunal, Nazan Saatçi, Şevket Altuğ, Ali Şen, Ünal Gürel, Süheyl Eğriboz, Selahattin Fırat, Zuhal Üstüntaş, Muhteşem Durukan, Hakkı Kıvanç, Zeki Sezer, Şeref Çokşeker, Celal Yonat, Çetin Başaran, Zeki Alpan. Tokatçı movie plot; Osman loves the daughter of the village lord Hasan Ağa. Hasan Ağa wants a lot of money for his daughter. Thereupon Osman goes to Istanbul and saves the bride price, going hungry most of the time, but he is slapped (robbed) on the way back to his village. Later, Osman goes back to Istanbul and by chance meets his soldier friend Şevket. Şevket teaches Osman how to slap. Osman earns a lot of money and returns to the village. He prepares a plan with Şevket and slaps Hasan Ağa as well.