Tojo Ravalomanana: This son of former President Marc Ravalomanana is the first Ravalomanana family member to dare to return to Madagascar during the political crisis of 2009, said Ms. Hanitra Razafimanantsoa on the Miara-Manonja program. Tojo Ravalomanana, a scholar who studied at Harvard University in the United States, is the TIM's "substitution candidate" in the mayoral elections in Antananarivo, the capital, said Ms. Hanitra Razafimanantsoa. Source: Miara-Manonja SONGADIM- BAOVAO REAL NEWS- NY VAOVAO MARINA 27 SEPTEMBER 2024 #madagascar #realtvmadagascar #abonnezvousmaintenant #realtvdirect #actualitésmadagascar #realtvlivestreaming #reatvlive #realtvonline #abonnezvous