Link: https://pay.hotmart.com/O93293099G?bi... --------------------------------------------- Hello, out-of-the-box parents and therapists! This is a video where I explain a little about what ODD is. Many people are still unaware of this Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which is in the DSM-V. To use the worksheet, you can watch the video in the link above. There I explain exactly how it works and how you can use it. In this video, you will see: what ODD is; what are the diagnostic criteria for ODD; what are the core symptoms of ODD; a scale to assess ODD; the importance of working with the family in ODD; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read more here on the blog: https://paulinhapsicoinfantil.com.br/... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Aunt Paulinha on social media: ???? Instagram: / paulinhapsicoinfantil ✨Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLq4U5av ???? Telegram: https://t.me/paulinhapsicoinfantil ???? Blog: https://www.paulinhapsicoinfantil.com... ???? Do you want to be a psychoplanner, a student of Aunt Paulinha? ???? Waiting list for the Children's Psychoplan: https://www.paulinhapsicoinfantil.com... Come with me! :)