Tobu 100 series "Spacia" and 200 series "Ryōmo" were introduced in 1990-91 and celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2020-21. To commemorate this, revival color vehicles were planned, with the Spacia debut color as the first and the 1800 series color Ryomo as the second. As the third installment, the 1720 series Deluxe Romance Car (DRC) color Spacia was introduced and began operation from the "2021 Tobu Premium Fan Tour" on December 5, 2021. https://www.tobu.co.jp/cms-pdf/releas... On this day, in addition to the DRC color, the 1800 series color Ryomo and the Spacia debut color were also operated as tour group trains bound for Kita-Senju. https://www.tobu.co.jp/news/2607/ Tobu 100 series. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobu_10...