We are talking about a power issue, although there is no doubt that a step up has been made – stated the managing editor-in-chief of Magyar Hang in a video interview with Népszava. We asked György Zsombor after the government launched an unprecedented attack on the independent newspaper after it mistakenly claimed in an article that the plane carrying the fallen Syrian dictator may have landed in Budapest. Following the incident, both he and the journalist who wrote the article were summoned to the Constitutional Protection Office, where they were subjected to a lie detector test. The full version of the interview can be viewed on the Visszhang page of the mobile Népszava of December 30, 2024. Subscribe to our YouTube channel! / @mobilnepszava-3408 You can find us on Facebook here: / nepszavaonline Népszava Online: https://www.nepszava.hu You can subscribe to the mobile Népszava here: https://xximedia.hu/mobinsz