In 2000, the Finnish Luther Foundation began its services. The priests were priests of the People's Church and gathered in the premises of the People's Church. In the midst of the turmoil in the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church, the purpose was to enable access to Lutheran services near the church's symbols. Over the years, the organizational connection to the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church has been severed, and at the same time the Mission Diocese's own ecclesiastical identity has been strengthened. Based on the activities of the Luther Foundation, the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese was established in 2013. The Diocesan Order states that the Mission Diocese is an independent Lutheran church. In terms of its official organizational form, the Mission Diocese is an unregistered association and its finances and legal obligations are managed by the Finnish Luther Foundation, which also takes care of employer responsibilities. The Mission Diocese has discussed what would be the best way for it to organize itself. When there is no longer a connection at the organizational level with the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church, church, would it make sense for the Mission Diocese to register as a religious community? What are the pros and cons of that? What would it affect? The Mission Diocese has appointed a committee to investigate the matter. Based on its work, a report has now been produced to support the discussion in the parishes. The committee members, pastor and deputy judge Jyrki Anttinen, and pastor Otto Granlund are discussing the topic with the diocesan dean Joel Kerosuo in the studio. Studio Krypta's activities are part of the media work of the Mission Diocese and the Finnish Luther Foundation. Mission Diocese: https://www.lhpk.fi Luterilainen.net educational website: https://www.luterilainen.net Studio Krypta's programs are possible thanks to private support. You can make a donation to Studio Krypta's activities through the media work of the Finnish Luther Foundation. Bank transfer details: Recipient: Luther Foundation of Finland Account: FI59 1023 3000 2354 52 Reference: 8222 Please do not use the message field. Thank you. MobilePay donation Mobilepay number: 76225 https://www.mobilepay.fi/Yrityksille/... Fundraising permit RA/2020/1666 https://www.lhpk.fi/kannatus/rahanker...