Review essential content and increase your confidence for the TJ SP Court Officer exam. It's 100% free. It's live. It's done by experts who master the Vunesp board and understand your biggest dreams. ???? ➡️ Sign up for the event to compete for scholarships: https://lp.ceisc.com.br/revisao-turbo... ???? Download the support materials for FREE: https://ead.ceisc.com.br/evento/424/m... ???? Today's schedule: 7pm: Math, with Dudan 8pm: Break 8:15pm: RLM, with Gustavo Rodrigues ✅ MPU: Analyst - Specialty in Law [BOARD DEFINED] Study with a methodology 100% focused on your appointment. Access: https://ceisc.com.br/cursos/mpu-anali... ✅ MP-SP: Legal Analyst [COMMITTEE FORMED] Prepare for the competition of the largest state MP in the country. Access: https://ceisc.com.br/cursos/mp-sp-ana... ✅ MP-SP: Prosecutor's Office Analyst II [COMMITTEE FORMED] Opportunity for those who have Higher Education in any area. https://ceisc.com.br/cursos/concursos... ✅ TRF-6: Judicial Analyst [PUBLISHED NOTICE] There is still time to study a lot until the test! https://ceisc.com.br/cursos/trf-6-ana... ✅ TJ-MG: Judicial Officer [PANEL DEFINED] Everything you need to prepare in one place. Access: https://ceisc.com.br/cursos/tj-mg-ofi... ✅ DPE-SP: Public Defender Analyst [FORESEEN] More than 400 vacancies! Get ready: https://ceisc.com.br/cursos/1527-dpe-... ✅ TRT Nacional [EXTENSIVE COURSE] 1 course, basic preparation for the 24 TRTs in Brazil. Access: https://ceisc.com.br/cursos/concursos... ✅ ENAM [2 editions per year] Do you dream of becoming a Magistracy? Prepare for your qualification with Ceisc. https://ceisc.com.br/cursos/exame-nac... ✅ Public Defender Careers: Public Defender [EXTENSIVE COURSE] Preparation from North to South for public exams in the area. https://ceisc.com.br/cursos/1326-defe... Visit our website and follow us on social media! ➡️ Website: https://ceisc.com.br/ ➡️ Blog: https://ceisc.com.br/blog/ ➡️ Instagram: / concursoceisc ➡️ Facebook: / concursoceisc ➡️ Twitter: / concursoceisc