The author of the book is Max Maximov - https://author.today/work/269947 Hello everyone! We have collected all the series of TITAN'S SKY (book one) in one format, before the release of EARTH'S SKY (it is already in progress) Five scientists are trapped on Saturn's satellite Titan. Only the walls of the inflatable laboratory module protect them from the hostile environment, and the outside temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius. There is only enough oxygen for six days, and help from Earth will arrive only in two years. What should people do when they find themselves in conditions where there is no point in fighting for their lives? As true scientists, they decide to spend their allotted time exploring Titan, inhabited by terrible predatory creatures. As a result of their research, they make an incredible discovery... ???? We are on Telegram - https://t.me/PROMETEY_ISTORII ???? We are on VK - https://vk.com/public208986876 Footage for the intro is taken from Pixabay License Free for commercial use. No attribution required #prometey #storiesatnight #horror #mysticism #spacefantasy #storyaboutspace