Guys, COME participate in the giveaway for the Iphone 15 PRO MAX from Vem de CAP, it's only 1 cent! Tiringa Link: www.vemdecap.com.br/ref/tiringa . . News coming soon, click on this link and come be a VIP at Comédia Selvagem LINK: https://comediaselvagem.vip __ Guys, we are running a campaign to promote our Official Instagram... follow the news there: @CharllesRekson - Link: / charllesrekson @EuTiringaOficial - Link: / eutiringaoficial REMEMBER TO CHECK IF YOU ARE ON OUR OFFICIAL NETWORKS! __ WANT TO COMPETE FOR THE TIRINGA CAR? Buy any product on the website https://tiringaoficial.com.br until June 25, 2022 and compete for the Tiringa Car! Giveaway Authorized by SEAE/ME. SEAE/ME AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE No. 04.019769/2022 See the full Regulations on the website. ________ OUR OFFICIAL SOCIAL NETWORKS LINK: https://linktr.ee/tiringaoficial _ IF YOU'RE A MIMIMI, DON'T SUBSCRIBE! BUT IF YOU'RE A GOOD PERSON, PUT YOUR FINGER IN! .... _ . . #1BILLION _ . TIRINGA AFRAID OF SNOW WHITE'S 7 DWARFS ???? WILD COMEDY TIRINGA AFRAID OF SNOW WHITE'S 7 DWARFS ???? WILD COMEDY TIRINGA AFRAID OF SNOW WHITE'S 7 DWARFS ???? WILD COMEDY in __ TECHNICAL DATA - WILD COMEDY CHANNEL ® Director, Screenwriter and Editor: Charlles Rekson Barboza de Lima Main Characters: Charlles Rekson Barboza de Lima - Charlles Vicente Moreira de Andrade - Tiringa Video Category: Comedy Age Rating: +14 years _ Channel Management Ricardo Gomes - Haathee Advertising Talk to the Wild Comedy team: https://bit.ly/3wIhW9w