“Tirana'14” is a comedy that reflects the current reality of our society, filled with comic situations and beautiful humorous jokes. With a script and direction by Edmond Mandros, the film is based on a special formula where fictional characters are intertwined with VIP characters, who come with their real names and professions. This artistic film is also a critical look at the current situation where meritocracy does not take place but other qualities. This comedy stars well-known actors such as Genc Fuga and Gent Hazizi, Eni Jani, Ervin Bejleri, Ola Harizaj, Laura Nezha, Ola Harizaj, Ina Gjonçi, Azra Sallahi, Ledio Lako, Marin Orhanasi, Eglein Laknori, etc. Even, unlike what we are used to seeing in their activities, the film also features the famous translator Edmond Tupja, psychologist Jorida Rustemi, singers Endri and Stefi, Frederik Ndoci, Sheila Haxhiraj, as well as several well-known models and TV presenters such as Marina Vjollca, Aurela Hoxha, Arjon Muça, Franceska Jaçe, etc. #livemeodeten #odetadume #odetadumemandro #edmondmandro #comedy