In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Technicians also need to study the Koran, let's study together in this end time, let's study together the Buya Arrazy study which brings the study of essence, theory, essence, and maripat, we need all of them even though we are not knowledgeable, at least we know them, hopefully they will be useful, especially for me personally, in general for all of us, amen, hopefully whatever we do is solely seeking the mercy of Allah and the name of our prophet Muhammad SAW, amen???????? / arief.rahman.90260 EKA SUMEDANG herman sumedang YOUTOBER BEGINNER ADDING SUBSCRIBERS YOUTOBE ALGORITHM HERMAN SUMEDANG YOUTOBE WORLD pyrwqsdghkllnvccz buya arrazy hasyim LED TV service Aiueo Cdefgabc Dakwah Ngaji Digital stb Abcdefghijklmnopqrstupwxyz LED TV TECHNICIAN