Parlament on TV4 from 2011-09-23: The subject is Silvio Berlusconi, who has once again found himself in the dark since a recording of a telephone conversation he had with an Italian businessman became public. The businessman is accused of having supplied Berlosconi with prostitutes. Pär Lernström asks Per Andersson what he thinks of Berlusconi. Talkative and outspoken political vote-fishing duels are at the heart of the award-winning and popular Parliament. With, among others, Pia Johansson, Henrik Hjelt, Johan Glans, Soran Ismail, Katrin Sundberg, Olle Sarri, Petra Mede, Henrik Dorsin, Johan Rheborg, Björn Gustafsson and Marika Carlsson. http://www.tv4play.se/program/parlame...