24 hour tips for being a housewife and these are the things I really do in 24 hours, how to manage time and make a schedule, housewives also have a work schedule so that everything is organized, a clean house, a tidy house, a happy heart, between cleaning the house, taking care of children, taking care of husbands, basically all the activities of housewives from waking up to going to bed again, everything must be scheduled,,,, hopefully my house cleaning and cleaning motivation videos are useful Home equipment: https://shp.ee/ecz9rfj Tissue holder: https://shp.ee/rmj7nax Soap dispenser: https://shp.ee/fzs524x Stackable food cover: https://shp.ee/k8v2bcx Flower pot: https://shp.ee/y23fnxx Washing machine cover: https://shp.ee/7p57n9x #cleaninghouse #cleaningmotivation #tips #housewifeactivities