DANIELE MARTINS, better known as DETECTIVE DANIELE, is a private detective. She is the person who snitch on husbands and wives who jump the fence. Vilela has never jumped the fence, because any fence is too high for him to jump. WATCH this full episode: https://youtube.com/live/NqTFmrOt9gA Contact: [email protected] Want to send us gifts? Attn: Rogério Vilela PO BOX: 81969 ZIP: 05619-970 São Paulo - SP #InteligenciaLtda #Podcast ---------- PRODUCED BY: Fábrica de Quadrinhos HOST: Rogério Vilela Follow on Instagram: @vilela EDITING: Yasmin, Gabriel and Israel PRODUCTION: Rogério Vilela AGENDA AND RESEARCH: Fabio Mantoanelli