#Tiprun #TiprunEging A tip run taken in February at FP Shima in Shima, Mie Prefecture. In recent years, the seawater temperature off the coast of Shima has been warming up, so even in the middle of winter the minimum seawater temperature never dropped below 17°C, but due to the strongest cold wave this year a few days before the photo was taken, the water temperature dropped to just over 15°C, and in some places it dropped below 15°C. Naturally, the activity of the bigfin reef squid dropped sharply due to the sudden drop in water temperature. However, from February to March, there is a possibility of catching not only 2kg but also 3kg over in the tip run off the coast of Shima, and in the past, there has been a record of catching 4kg over the white squid hair type bigfin reef squid, which is rare even in Japan, instead of the red monster. However, on this day, the target depth was 30 to 60m in a northwesterly wind with a wind speed of over 10m. In order to efficiently explore this depth, the sinker weight that is usually used (plus 30g) is not enough, so a tip run sinker of up to 60g is attached. The total weight is 90g when a 60g sinker is attached, and in such a situation, it is recommended to use a rod for squid metal rather than a normal tip run rod. In fact, the feature of the Crazy Ocean Rod is that you can fish squid metal with the same feeling as tip run, so with the Crazy Ocean Squid Metal Rod "Ocean Spear Series", you can comfortably perform tip run even with heavy weight tip run under such conditions. [This rod is the best for strong winter winds] The main rods used this time were the Ocean Ocean Spear Spinning Models 47SP and 53SP. This Ocean Spear Spinning Model is the prototype of the currently very popular tip run rod "Ocean Sword Vertex". The difference between these two models is the weight of the squid jigs and squid metals used. The maximum weight of the Vertex is 75g. The tip runner 3.5 (30g) + sinker 40g is the maximum total of 70g, and this plus 40g is the boundary between using the Vertex or the Spear, but when using this plus 40g, it is recommended to use the Ocean Spear Spinning Model. The reason is the difference in the bite you get on the tip of the rod. It is possible to use a spear just for fishing, but for heavy weight tip run, it is definitely better to use a spear than a vertex. If you convert a total of 70g into squid metal, it is 70g ÷ 3.75 (1 size) = 18.6 size (about 20 size), so a spear is better for getting a clear bite on the tip of the rod. If you are unsure whether to use a vertex or a spear, I use a vertex for up to 30g and a spear for anything over that. [Tackle] Rod: Ocean Spear OSP-47SP https://crazy-ocean.com/itemlist/Ocean... Reel: Tournament ISO3000 https://www.daiwa.com/jp/product/mp9tsno Handle: COWING110 + EF30LTD https://crazy-ocean.com/itemlist/Spinning line: Avani Squid Metal Max Power PEX9 Marking 0.6 https://www.varivas.co.jp/Product/sea... Leader: Varivas Ester Leader 2.5 (prototype) Egi: Tip Runner 3 3.5 https://crazy-ocean.com/itemlist/Tip... Tip Runner Hibiki 3.5 https://crazy-ocean.com/itemlist/Tip... Sinker: Ocean Sinker V 30g https://crazy-ocean.com/itemlist/Ocean... Tip Run Sinker 50g 60g ■The recreational fishing boat that helped us: FP Shima, Katada, Shima City, Mie Prefecture http://blog.livedoor.jp/fp_shima/ #CrazyOcean #tiprun #eging #crazyocean #Ayuchii #Varivas #MegaTechLibre #OceanSwordVertex #TipRunner @crazyocean8874 ■Fishing Lover Tokai website https://fishinglover-tokai.com/ How to fish For product inquiries▼ https://crazy-ocean.com/contact.html Crazy Ocean website▼ https://crazy-ocean.com/ Crazy Ocean official Instagram▼ / crazyocean_jp Crazy Ocean official Facebook page▼ / crazyocean08. .