A correct diagnosis of tinnitus is essential to identify the cause and therefore the therapy. It begins with the anamnesis, that is, the patient's history and the objective examination. We then move on to the instrumental tests: tonal and vocal audiometry (optional), tympanometry and the study of the stapedial reflex, acufenometry, otoacoustic emissions and finally the auditory evoked potentials, an examination which is also optional. The visit is completed by any imaging tests such as CT and MRI. 0:04 TINNITUS TESTS 0:07 MEDICAL HISTORY 1:02 OBJECTIVE EXAM 1:34 TONE AUDIOMETRY 2:59 VOCAL AUDIOMETRY 4:11 TYMPANOMETRY AND STUDY OF THE STAPEDIAL REFLEX 6:09 TINNITUS 7:56 OTOACOUSTIC EMISSIONS 9:46 ABR OR AUDITORY EVOCATED POTENTIALS For more information call us or write to us: tel: 02 48011361 email: [email protected] web: https://www.delbotecnologiaascolto.it/ - for #deafness and #hearingaids web: https://www.tinnitusclinic.it/ - for #tinnitus and #hyperacusis Follow Del Bo Tecnologia per l'ascolto and its magazines for all the news and updates: https://www.sordita.it/ https://www.acufene.it/ Del Bo Hearing Technology Tinnitus Clinic Via Santa Sofia 29 20122 Milan #hearingdevices #hearingdeafness #tinnitus