http://www.medicinaeinformazione.com/ Tinnitus, a very common phenomenon that can also become disabling, is often diagnosed as a disorder that cannot be cured and that we must somehow resign ourselves to and get used to. But this is not exactly the case, because once the causes have been identified, therapies and techniques can be put in place to cure them. We talk about it with Prof. Giancarlo Cianfrone, Head of the Tinnitus Center at the Policlinico Umberto Primo in Rome, who explains exactly what tinnitus is, what it is due to - three main causes contribute to its onset - ear pathologies, and in this case they are often accompanied by hypoacusia (more or less hearing loss), osteoarticular problems such as temporomandibular syndrome for example, or psychological and psychiatric disorders such as anxiety disorders. The multidisciplinary approach is essential to set up the most suitable therapy and to suggest how to make it more bearable (avoiding silence or listening to music at low volume for example). Then there are tinnitus accompanied by hyperacusis, a disorder that makes it extremely difficult to live in a world of sound and that must be treated with adequate sound rehabilitation. The Professor then talks to us about those transitory tinnitus that young people often have after spending a night at the disco listening to music at high volume and the risks of having hearing damage if music at high volume is listened to every day for a long time.