Since the beginning of time, even before the first religion emerged, human beings have experienced one of their worst emotions, which is still present today: fear. It arises from the feeling of danger that we occasionally face, whether physically or psychologically. But what if fear made us vulnerable to the point of summoning demons without even knowing it? In today's video, we will meet Timeo, or “I fear”, the demon who uses fear as his favorite food. Technical Details: SCREENWRITER: Mozart J Fialho / VIDEO EDITOR: Gabriel Vilela / ILLUSTRATOR (THUMBNAIL): Marco Túlio Dutra / DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY / CAMERA OPERATOR: Francisco (Shadow) / STUDIO ASSISTANT: Danyllo Freitas / CAMERA ASSISTANT: Carlos de Freitas / PRODUCER: Thales da Guarda / PRODUCTION MANAGER: Augusto Ijanc / AUDIO CAPTURE AND EDITING: Marlúcio Rezende / HEAD OF YOUTUBE DEPARTMENT: Muryllo Vilela / SCREENPLAY REVIEW: Maurício Moreira / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Luiz Phellype Alves