89520930157 is Oksana's number to order feeders, contact her via WhatsApp, my second channel is Garik the fisherman life / @life.garik2. VK group Tverskaya flat feeder https://vk.com/club184644625. 89520930157 is Oksana's number to order feeders, contact her via WhatsApp My email is [email protected] ORDER FEEDERS and a logo using this link https://vk.com/id417703579. Oksana. Flat feeders 60 grams round feeders 70 g. flat for 95 and 125 g 89000158541 my WhatsApp WE WILL BE GLAD WITH ANY SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHANNEL, Sberbank card 4276 6300 1571 7799 is issued to the son of Antonov Danil. Group in VK Tverskaya flat feeder https://vk.com/club184644625. Group in VK Garik Rybolov https://vk.com/club89106810. My Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/igorvinogra.... #burbot, #pike perch, #catfish, #equipment