Title: Time for Compost and Pansies! Why Compost is the Best Garden Mulch! Description: Welcome spring with me on “Lazy Sunday”! In today's episode, I will share with you how my garden has changed since I gave up fleece, and I will also show you the benefits of mulching with compost. And that's not all - I share with you my passion for pansies, from which I created beautiful spring decorations in pots. Discover why compost is the best mulch for your garden and how it can change the appearance and health of your flower beds! The compost I use https://kronen.com.pl/produkty/eko-ko... The Lily app I talked about in the video https://lily.kronen.com.pl/ *advertisement In this video you will learn: • How compost changes the garden: Insight into my experiences with using compost as a means of improving soil structure and plant health. • Creative pansy decorations: Inspirations for using pansies in pots that will liven up any space. • Mulching with compost: Practical tips on mulching that help retain moisture, protect against weeds and enrich the soil. Why use compost in the garden: • Natural protection against pests and diseases. • Improve soil structure and support for beneficial microorganisms. • Balanced fertilization that promotes plant growth. ???? Share your observations: Do you use compost in your garden? What are your spring must-haves in the garden? Write in the comments! ???? Subscribe to Lazy Sunday: Subscribe to the channel so you don't miss more gardening tips and tricks that will help you enjoy the beauty and health of your garden all year round. #Composting #Pansies #SpringDecorations #MulchingCompost #Gardening #LazySunday #MartaPotoczek #GardenTips #CompostAsMulch