Nico Mathieux is our Challenger of the Week. He returns to the Popcorn set to tell us about his latest adventure and his next film TAI which will be broadcast at the Grand Rex! Columnists and guests: @pa.domingo @thomasdeseur @Maghla @JirayaTV Don't forget the little like on the video and subscribe right here: https://bit.ly/youtubepopcorn (if you activate the bell you are a good person 🤝) 🎙️ Find the show every Tuesday at 8pm on /domingo! 🎧 The show is also available as a podcast here: https://fanlink.to/popcorntalkshow The Popcorn store: https://bit.ly/collection-ete-youtube Our social networks: ● Twitter: / popcorntalkshow ● Instagram: / popcorntalkshow ● TikTok: / popcorn ● Facebook: / popcorntalkshow Surviving in the African Jungle (Interview with Nico Mathieux, explorer and adventurer) Date of the show: 04/06/2024 - The Games 🎲 © PAB Prod