Tim Jacken on CDU destruction with Rezo, influencer exposure & S3X cruise In today's episode, TJ aka TIm Jacken is our guest and talks to us about the destruction of Bastian Yotta and other YouTubers, his really weird experiences on the cruise and his time when he worked with Rezo on the destruction of the CDU _______________________________________ Listen to Brainpain on all podcast apps: 🎙️ https://lnkfi.re/Brainpain _______________________________________ TJ aka Tim Jacken @TimJacken on his channel: 📺YouTube: / timjacken _______________________________________ All channels of Florian Heider @Der Heider 📺Main channel: / derheider 📺2. Channel: / heidergeil 🖥️Twitch: / heidergeil ✍️Twitter: / heiderflorian 🖼️Instagram: / heidergram _______________________________________ All channels from Timon aka @Klengan 📺Main channel: / klengan 📺2. Channel: / klengansminecraftpalace 🖥️Twitch: / klengan ✍️Twitter: / klengantv 🖼️Instagram: / klengantv