"Tima and Toma" is a Russian animated series for young children, telling about the funny adventures of two inseparable friends - Toma the elephant and Tima the hippopotamus. These are two charming and touching kids, learning about the world around them, where everything is possible: meeting an alien from outer space, finding a mysterious cave, growing a tree right before your eyes and, while playing, turning into a strongman. In the village of "Pryaniki" with Tima and Toma live other interesting characters: athletic Mishka, musical Fox, smart Mouse and enterprising Penguin. They can easily imagine themselves in any role and situation - for Tima and Toma nothing is impossible, just as there is no limit to children's imagination. ========================= Watch on the channel: ------------------------------------ Cartoons for kids - http://bit.ly/3rXhTl3 Favorite cartoons - http://bit.ly/30FGSgt Cartoons for older people - http://bit.ly/3vnTruY Fairy tales for family viewing - http://bit.ly/2OjRGyt The Fixies Fixiki - http://bit.ly/2Wbh5tV Magic Kitchen - http://bit.ly/3eChkcm Nick the Inventor - http://bit.ly/2OU1Oxu Mole and Panda - http://bit.ly/2Yhw1cM Mimimishki - http://bit.ly/2xgODhM Leo and Tig - http://bit.ly/3d0q73U Mountain of Gems - http://bit.ly/3tepYlo Tosha the Dragon and His Friends - http://bit.ly/2JivAGc #funnycartoon #cartoons