The Tihange nuclear power plant is only 70 kilometers from Aachen. It is repeatedly noticed due to structural defects. Is the nuclear power plant still safe? A major accident at this nuclear power plant could make the entire region uninhabitable for centuries. After a year of maintenance work due to dilapidated concrete, the Tihange 2 nuclear reactor is scheduled to start up again on July 7, 2019. Why are there always problems at the Tihange nuclear power plant and how dangerous is the power plant? What happens in the region if an emergency occurs? Do iodine tablets help? We looked into these questions in this Quarks broadcast on December 13, 2016. Author: Sebastian Funk --- Thanks for watching! Did you like the video? Then subscribe now to the only official Quarks channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/Quarks?sub_co... Quarks on Facebook: / quarks.de Visit also: https://www.quarks.de #Quarks on Instagram: / quarks.de / beautyquarks Here you can find the clip in the WDR media library: https://www1.wdr.de/mediathek/video/s... #Atomkraftwerk #Tihange