You have to remove a few screws to see if the advertised procedures really clean. Tibi did, and the result is not what you'd expect. Articles on the subject: bit.ly/dioszoras bit.ly/modern_benzines bit.ly/14tsi_egyperces_hiba bit.ly/csak_benzinest Due to privacy rights, we had to cut out the telephone conversations when we discussed the dates with the service providers. Here is the text of the two conversations. HHO Carbon Cleaning: - We push through hydrogen, oxygen... because everyone is wrong about that, right? They say 7-800 liters and such numbers, but 12-volt machines absolutely can't push that much, right? Not even 300 liters, and half of that is actually oxygen. "Yeah." Now the point is that I will feel the goodness then, right? "How many kilometers does it have?" "Well, around 200." - Easy. Wait a minute, I see... three-thirty, is that right? TerraClean: – I have a 1.4 Octavia. - Yes... - A TSI, 2010. He ran quite a lot. I just bought it. I would take it because I saw this engine cleaning on Facebook. "Valve cleaning?" Because the valves used to get soot due to the... direct injection. "Yes?" "Yes." Valve cover... I think it's an FSI or TSi engine. – TSI – Yes, that's what they usually ask because it's his problem. (...) – This is the valve back cleaning, it's HUF 45,000. It removes the soot from the top of the valves and cleans the passages of the cylinder head there. "How long will it take you to do it?" "Well, listen, it's like two, two and a half hours long." "Oh... Well, good." Tomorrow... the day after tomorrow, could I take you there around nine or a quarter to ten?