Thyroid diseases: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, AIT, autoimmune thyroiditis - psychosomatics, causes and treatment. Increased or decreased thyroid function: is it necessary to take hormones, how to treat at home without drugs, medicinal plants and other methods of treatment. Attention! There will be a separate program about thyroid nodules. USEFUL LINKS: Article on the rules for taking medicinal plants from this video: https://www.evdokimenko.ru/thyroid-di... 1 simple BREATHING from pressure, anxiety and worry: • 1 simple BREATHING from pressure, anxiety... Psychosomatics of diseases - the most dangerous emotions: • Psychosomatics of diseases: the most danger... How to relieve dangerous emotions and get rid of resentment: • Psychosomatics - 2. Stress: how to relieve... * Music: composition "Constellation", author and performer - DiDuLya: / didulamedia Camera operator and editor - Dmitry Kurakin: / mindk777 ATTENTION! This video is for educational and informational purposes only. There are contraindications. Before using the recommendations and advice from the video, BE SURE to consult a doctor! ***