Thyroid, Thyroid gland, Rapid thyroid function, Hyperthyroidism, Underactive thyroid gland, Hypothyroidism, Goiter, Goiter symptoms, Hashimoto, Hashimoto symptoms, Thyroid nodule, Thyroid cancer, Thyroid symptoms, Thyroid cancer symptoms, Thyroid biopsy, Thyroid disease in pregnant women, TSH hormone, T3 and T4 hormone, Thyroid surgery, Information was given about protection from thyroid diseases. 00:07 Thyroid Diseases and Treatment Methods, Our Body Orchestra Conductor "Thyroid" 01:52 How Do Thyroid and Goiter Appear? 02:13 Is Goiter Not a Disease? 02:56 What Are Thyroid Gland Diseases? 04:31 People With Thyroid Nodules Fear "I Have Cancer", Is Every Nodule Cancerous? 06:46 Thyroid Gland Disease What is Hashimoto's Disease? 08:52 Is Every Nodule Cancerous? 10:10 What is a Needle Biopsy? Where is it Needed? When is it Taken? 11:43 The Importance and Follow-up of the Thyroid Gland During Pregnancy 14:40 What are the Symptoms of Thyroid Diseases? 19:14 How are Thyroid Nodules Treated? How is Surgical Treatment Performed? 22:25 How Can We Protect Ourselves from Thyroid Diseases? - ➤ Send us your questions for me to answer live on air: [email protected] ➤ Brief Information: The enlargement and swelling of the thyroid gland, which is a butterfly-shaped tumor located in the lower front part of the neck around the trachea, is called “goiter”. ➤ If you were interested in this video, you may also be interested in this video: • Goiter and Thyroid Disease Complaints... ➤ Thyroid (Goiter) Diseases: ➤ Parathyroid Diseases: ➤ Parathyroid Transplantation: ➤ If the video was useful to you, please don't forget to like it and subscribe to the channel to show your support. ☎️ Appointment and Information: 0536 521 48 79 ???? Whatsapp Appointment and Information: https://bit.ly/whatsapp-randevu ➡️ My Personal Website: http://www.erhanaysan.com Subscribe to the Channel: You can benefit from the features by joining our channel!: / profdrerhan... Our Social Media Accounts: ➤ İnstagram: / prof.dr.erhanaysan ➤ Facebook: / prof.dr.erhanaysan Our Websites: ➤ http://www.erhanaysan.com ➤ http://www.endokrincerrah.com ➤ http://www.paratiroid.net LEGAL WARNING: All the content on our channel is prepared only for information and awareness. It is not a recommendation or content for treatment in any way. The right approach is to consult with your doctor first. -