⚕︎ The most common thyroid cancers [papillary carcinoma, papillary microcarcinoma] causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, surgical method, prognosis, prevention, etc. We have organized only the key points in an easy-to-understand manner. It also contains helpful content for those diagnosed with thyroid cancer. ✚ Director Woojin Cho of Withsim Hospital ✅Related article :: Naver-Hidoc Director Woojin Cho's medical column '10 questions and 10 answers about 'papillary thyroid cancer' that hindered Park So-dam's activities... A thyroid specialist answered' https://www.hidoc.co.kr/healthstory/n... 0:38 Why is it called 'papillary cancer'? 1:08 The standard name for thyroid cancer 1:36 Thyroid? Thyroid gland? Which is the correct expression? 1:48 Characteristics of papillary thyroid cancer 2:05 Why don't men get it? 2:11 Causes of occurrence 2:29 Main age of onset 2:38 Why you shouldn't ignore the cancer even if it's small 3:14 Symptoms of thyroid cancer 3:46 What is micropapillary carcinoma? 4:29 Link to voice, foreign body sensation, stuffiness, etc. 4:51 How is it diagnosed? 5:17 Fine needle aspiration biopsy, total biopsy (cancerous tissue examination) 6:11 Those diagnosed with thyroid cancer should pay special attention here 6:33 Should I have surgery right away? 7:30 Can I avoid surgery? How to avoid it? Active surveillance 8:54 Thyroid cancer surgical methods 10:17 Thyroid cancer prognosis 10:31 5-year survival rate 11:28 Is there a way to prevent it? 11:50 Thyroid cancer treatment method Even if you come from Jeju Island, we strictly follow the principles and only perform necessary tests and treatments. We do not perform unnecessary treatments for the sake of my patients, fellow doctors, and families. ✪ Hospital website: http://withsim.com ✪ Lump blog: https://blog.naver.com/withdrcho/2218... 🌈We only treat thyroid, lumps, and lymph nodes ☎ 031-704-7757 (Reservation required) #thyroidcancersymptoms #thyroidcancercauses #thyroidlymphaticmetastasis