It is the world's largest dam, the most powerful hydroelectric power station on earth and a controversial step forward for the People's Republic of China: the Three Gorges Dam. The enormous dam tames the Yangtze River. Its construction improved shipping, flood protection and the country's energy production, but destroyed the natural habitat and the population. Authors Adrian Geiges and Detlev Konnerth examined the structure and the consequences of its construction on site. Our reports & documentaries http://bit.ly/WELTdokus Subscribe to the WELT YouTube Channel http://bit.ly/WeltVideoTVabo The top news on WELT.de http://bit.ly/2rQQD9Q The media library on WELT.de http://bit.ly/2Iydxv8 The WELT news livestream http://bit.ly/2fwuMPg Visit us on Instagram http://bit.ly/2X1M7Hk #ThreeGorgesDamm #HydroelectricPowerStation #Documentary