Course link: https://anapincolini.com.br/cursos-2/ In this video, we reflect on social vulnerability, one of the most used concepts in SUAS. Based on three conceptions, we outline some fundamental and common points of the studied conceptions and, at the end of the video, we suggest practical applications of this concept in the daily life of social assistance services. CHECK OUT OUR SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: / anapincolini Facebook: / anpincolini My book: encurtador.com.br/fjnyY REFERENCES IN THIS VIDEO: Brazil (2004). CNAS Resolution No. 145. National Social Assistance Policy (PNAS). Brasília: National Council for Social Assistance (CNAS). Kaztman, R. et al. (1999). Vulnerability, assets and social exclusion in Argentina and Uruguay. Santiago de Chile, ILO. Kaztman, R. (2010). Assets and opportunity structures. Study on the roots of social vulnerability in Uruguay. Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (DIEESE). (2007). Conceptual aspects of social vulnerability. DIEESE/UNICAMP agreement.