The acquisition of Canal+ in 2015 by conservative billionaire Vincent Bolloré marked the beginning of a new era in the French media landscape. Once known for its satirical programs and investigative reporting critical of the government, the channel has undergone a profound change in its editorial line. This phenomenon, far from being limited to Canal+, has manifested itself in other private media, but also in the public service, which is much more reluctant than before to produce reports that deviate from a now dominant line. The decline in investigative media, and more broadly of discordant voices, is particularly visible in the coverage of international conflicts. Faced with this standardization, independent media are emerging and striving to "put the pen to the wound", continuing a tradition of critical journalism. How can we explain the decline of investigative journalism? Is the distrust of so-called "traditional" media justified? Are there countervailing powers that can counter the influence of the wealthy on the media? Does independent investigative journalism still have a future? These are all points discussed with Jean-Baptiste Rivoire, former investigative journalist at Canal+ and creator of Off-investigation. For more information: ???? “HATE MEDIA: objective, civil war?”, Off-investigation: https://www.iris-france-boutique.org/... ???? “(Re)making journalists trusted third parties”, Interview with Christophe Deloire: https://preprod.iris-france.org/ris/r... ???? “See and go see, or the letters of nobility of international information”, Armelle Charrier, Marc Verzeroli: https://preprod.iris-france.org/ris/r... ???? “Sudan-Gaza: indignation with variable geometry? », Pascal Boniface: • UN, G20, BRICS: multilateralism... ???? « Information and disinformation in times of war », Gérard Grizbec: • Information and disinformation in times of... ???? The West, the garden and the jungle. With Edwy Plenel Géopo interviews • The West, the garden and the jungle. ... ???? Gaza: a critical eye on the media. With Mourad Guichard Géopo interviews • Gaza: a critical eye on the media... 00:16: The story of Off-investigation. 01:14: How can we explain the decline of investigative journalism on television? 04:40: How can we explain the population's lack of trust in the media? 09:51: How does independent investigative journalism work? 12:15: The question of ownership of major media. 12:55: Is ARCOM playing its role as a counter-power? 14:03: The unequal treatment of international conflicts. 16:36: Independent media, the future of journalism? 22:40: Can investigation disappear? ➡️ FIND PASCAL BONIFACE ON: Facebook: https://cutt.ly/9W4KpNB Twitter: / pascalboniface Instagram: https://cutt.ly/8W4J9Iw Linkedin: https://cutt.ly/XW4Ku4W