Thranduil was a Sindarin elf who ruled the forest kingdom in Mirkwood. He loved the forests, the trees and his people, the wood or sylvan elves, who were everything to him. He lived in harmony with nature, was educated and wise, and if he had any weakness, it was the love of treasures, especially silver and white gems. He was mostly distrustful of strangers and there was a wound in his heart that never fully healed. We are Nerdopolis and this is the story of Thranduil, Legolas' father. You can support us on Pickey ➡️ https://www.pickey.cz/nerdopolis Follow us on Facebook ➡️ / nerdo42polis Or on Instagram ➡️ / nerdo42polis The background music is Heart of the Lost by Ean Grimm. Thank you for it.