The video will be useful for you if you want to understand the role of difficulties in human life and how we can use the difficulties we face to know ourselves better and live a better life. #psychology #self-awareness #personal growth #health #thoughts #life #relationships #helpful #advice #ArevikHayrapetyan ———————————————————————————————————— ———————— Arevik Hayrapetyan is a self-knowledge and self-realization mentor and coach. On KaizenTV, he shares advice that will help you achieve your goals, create healthy and harmonious relationships, and live a happy and fulfilling life. Kaizen Mastery official website: ✅ https://www.kaizenmastery.com/ Arevik Hayrapetyan on social media. ✅ LinkedIn: / arevikhayrapetyan ✅ For individual work with Arevik Hayrapetyan, you need to fill out the online questionnaire, the links of which can be found below. Individual work with Arevik Hayrapetyan ✅ https://forms.gle/8qnN6PgcRUdoXdvc6 1:1 Coaching & Mentorship with Arevik Hayrapetyan ✅ https://forms.gle/R2xFTwqDdCi29a7m7