Boring architecture, goodbye! A new book by Thomas Heatherwick, the Leonardo da Vinci of British architecture, More Human Architecture! British genius architectural designer Thomas Heatherwick says modern architecture is dangerously boring. How does boring architecture make the world dangerous? Who is the god of modern architecture behind this boredom? How can human architecture save the world? Let's dream of a better world while listening to Thomas Heatherwick's insights. ????Book purchase link???? Kyobo Bookstore Internet: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detai... Yes24: https://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/1... Aladdin: https://www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduc... #ThomasHeatherwick #MoreHumanArchitecture #LeCorbusier #CasaMilla #HeatherwickStudio