Dwayne Johnson: There are no excuses to be successful in life. If you have big dreams, trust in GOD INSPIRATIONAL SPEECH that will transform your life! - Motivation - Be Inspired #BeInspired #Motivation #PersonalDevelopment Whether you are going through one of the best or worst moments of your life, your story is not over yet. You still have roads to travel, goals to meet, achievements to reach and a life mission given by the Creator, which only you are capable of completing; the evidence of this is that you are still alive and your lungs are still breathing. You are not a victim of your circumstances, you are a survivor. Because when you know where you are going, you do not allow any obstacle to stop you; on the contrary, you use it as a bridge and a springboard to move to the destination that was planned for you and because when you truly know the one who sends you there, you understand that there is no opposition (no matter how strong it may seem) capable of preventing you from reaching where our creator has determined to take you.