Planet Coaster 2 is the ultimate amusement park simulation game! Create, manage and decorate your park with fun pools and adrenaline-filled rides that will delight your visitors. Want a 14% discount on your game purchase? ➡ Enter my code DOUDINGPARK here: Standard Edition: https://fr.gamesplanet.com/game/plane... Deluxe Edition: https://fr.gamesplanet.com/game/plane... Enjoy it before it expires on December 29th! __________________________________________ ➡ Discover All My Game Playlists: / @monsieur.douding ➡ Become a member of the channel and enjoy benefits: / @monsieur.douding __________________________________________ « We're Paying You To Beta Test Your Game! » __________________________________________ Requests: [email protected] __________________________________________ #douding #planetcoaster #planetcoaster2 #gaming # planetcoaster2fr # planetcoaster2gameplayfr # planetcoaster2tuto # planetcoaster2let'splayfr # planetcoaster2test # planetcoaster2testfr #construction #simulation #bacasable # planetcoaster2gameplay #let'splayfrancais #tuto #guide #conseils #tips # planetcoaster2tutofr # planetcoaster2let'splay #impressions #test #guide planetcoaster2 #tuto planetcoaster2 #patch #guide planetcoaster2 #tutol planetcoaster2 #montagnerusse #rollercoaster