THANKS TO CHAMBWIBWI FOR THE DRAWINGS https://www.instagram.com/chambwibwi/... hello everyone this video is not a horror video although given how I play I don't know for Christmas I decided to break my ass I made a nuzlock nuzzlock nuzelock on SPARKLING DIAMOND AND SPARKLING PEARL switch switch lite oled (don't buy that seriously) (diamond better than pearl dsl) so I just saw that Jaiden had released a nuzlocke video at 2 YESTERDAY well I was inspired by her for the title ok but otherwise that's all I hadn't seen in time to know what she was going to release I promise well in this video there will be drama mistakes questions (when will my unemployment benefits end?) questioning I don't really know what I can say to not spoil it I've been working on this for weeks it's really an attempt this video if you like it I might do a nuzlocke on another game but with even more difficult rules do not hesitate to comment the name of the pokemon you prefer you already know which one it is THANKS TO TARTIN FOR THE JOKE AT THE BEGINNING ON THE HIGHWAY BUT I THINK NOBODY HEARD AND DEOTOONS NOT THANKS I HAVE TEH MUSIC: MOST COME FROM THE 4G REMAKES BUT OTHERWISE (in order of appearance) Lost Magic OST - 20 - Unerasable Memory Tales Of Zestiria - New Power Awakens and also subscribe and activate the bell it's free please SUBSCRIBE ???? Twitch: / laupok Twitter: / laupokhf Instagram: Laupocute and Laupok_Yt Cap to support the channel: https://teespring.com/fr/lpKCASQ Laupok T-shirts and goodies to support the channel: https://bazardelaupok.tunetoo.com/