Updated: As of the end of December 2023, it is possible to turn off the windshield wipers - the problem remains, however, that the Auto mode works poorly if we choose to use it. The Tesla Model Y has been Sweden's best-selling car for a few months now. But above all, there is one problem that drives many people crazy. In that problem is also based a nonchalance in the relationship between Tesla and its customers. In addition, Tesla is selling features that are promised to come soon but that we haven't seen in almost two years. Furthermore, they are selling features that will probably never come. 00:00 – The strike is not about 01:00 – 1. Windshield wipers are in beta and functionality is not guaranteed 07:44 – 2. Tesla promises features soon that are not coming 12:00 – 3. Current Tesla cars will probably never be self-driving