THIS IS WHAT MAKES IT DIFFERENT!!! THE BASIL CHILI SAUCE IS MIXED WITH PINDANG - Warung Mbok Seh Warung Mbok Seh, a Legendary Traditional Culinary in Bojonegoro City. Providing simple menus that are still cooked traditionally. The favorite menu is basil chili sauce mixed with a little pindang and also soy sauce chili sauce. Open every day from 06.00-12.00 WIB Prices start from 5000 Rupiah. Location Tinggang Market Area, Bancer, Ngraho District, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java. google maps Warung Mbok Seh https://maps.app.goo.gl/XM87KEmmhTrCD... Thank you to those of you who have watched and supported this channel, I say thank you very much. May you always be given health and smooth sustenance by GOD Amen 🤲🤲🤲 Work contact Endorsmend Admin: 085791969047 #culinary #WarungMbokSeh #bojonegoroculinary #KangMasBogelChannel #traditionalculinary #BojonegoroTraditionalCulinary #legendaryculinary #BojonegoroLegendaryCulinary #sambeltrasi #sambelkecap #sambelkemangi #sambeltomat #culinaryindonesia #culinaryindonesia #indonesiaculinary #viral #culinarynusantara