Luis Advíncula comes to #LaLengua without any kind of cassette or repetitive speech. He speaks clearly about what bothers him, about the journalists who he feels disrespect his professionalism, about the two worst moments of his career, about the successes and the tears. About his peculiar relationship with Riquelme and with the Boca Juniors world in detail. The idea of this project is to generate a discussion in which the guest can speak in a different way to what we see in other media and in this episode it is achieved with great success and with a lot of humor as well. Enjoy La Lengua by Luis Advíncula. Play Tinka at https://www.latinka.com.pe/p/juega-ti... Join the PREMIUM COMMUNITY of La Lengua and have all the benefits designed especially for you. / @jesusalzamorallosa #LaLengua #Luis Advincula Audiovisual production: @chuletaaudiovisual