Guys, it took a while but more content from #r15 #r15v3 arrived. Unfortunately the audio is not 100% yet. I'm waiting for the delivery of the new microphone, but here's what I got! Oh and there's content on insta, huh! Things that don't go to the channel are there / rafiusk.mov Index: 00:00 Introduction 01:08 Break-in 03:35 Calibration Tip 06:49 Start of the Ride 07:02 Suspension Observation 07:27 R15 vs FZ25 08:05 Giving it my all on the R15 11:29 Honest opinion of the bike 12:03 Tiredness after 1h 13:37 Are Indian tires any good? 14:45 Do bubbles cut the wind? 15:40 Fuel consumption after the ride 16:10 Microphone is still a problem 16:29 Thanks to Marlon @garagemnoticias 17:07 (BONUS) Off Road with R15