The ingredients of this compressed dish are easy and simple. All you have to do is prepare a chicken, an onion, garlic oil with ginger, three tablespoons of Adeni pepper paste or tomato paste, a tablespoon of mixed spices. This is the link to the mixed spices. How to make the most beautiful mixed spices on the table... We add salt, clean the water, and leave it to cook until it is done. Then we soak the rice for a quarter of an hour to half an hour. Each cup of rice takes a cup and a quarter of water and broth. The rice station. As soon as the pressure cooker starts to whistle, we press it for 12 minutes. This way, the compressed dish is ready for you. All you have to do is subscribe to this channel to benefit from the advantages: / @chefmounir Social media Twitter https://t.co/ObPCgsP1wu Instagram https://t.co/bObX4NThPc Facebook Home page https://t.co/y2IuJn453Y Facebook Personal page https://t.co/hOplKjDnc3 /amhamedabdalla The YouTube channel of Chef Mounir Al-Haddad https://t.co/YLyMt1OysA I hope you support the channel and subscribe so that we can continue with you, God willing #Chef_Mounir_Al-Haddad