Friends, it's here! Three legends together and they will make the best burger on the Czech internet! The main ingredient will be wagyu meat! Yes, read wagyu carefully, because even wagyu has some trimmings and we will make a luxurious burger out of it! You have something to look forward to! The meat was supplied by: http://wagyufarm.cz/ Pip master eshop (code for a 5% discount on the purchase of spices is shown in the video! Discount valid from 10.7. to 17.7.2022): https://www.pipmaster.cz/ Pregnant chef here: https://www.tehotnejkuchar.cz/ Master Málek's website - COURSES, EVENTS for you and much more here: https://www.mistrmalek.cz Decide on the right SPECIALTY!!! Do you also want to be a butcher? Check out our school in Ústí nad Labem https://www.obchodniskola.cz/