After a few unstable years, Marvel Studios achieved a series of successes during 2024 that managed to restore a lot of order and the prestige it had achieved during the Infinity Saga. Focused on releasing fewer and more individual products, such as Deadpool and Wolverine, X-Men 97 or Agatha All Along, the MCU began to settle down, and suddenly we arrive at a 2025 where everything seems all or nothing. Many projects, several of them risky, put everything achieved this year in check. Will it be possible to revalidate the bet and reach 2026 with the necessary hype to release an Avengers movie? In this video we review all the projects that the MCU has for 2025, including movies and series, explaining each one, how its reception may be and how it would affect the image of the studios, in a context where the general public seems exhausted of the superhero genre. #Daredevil #Marvel #WonderMan