This video is welcome to be shared and I would be very happy about your comments, likes and if you subscribe to my channel ???? This is a general oracle, it may apply to you, but it doesn't have to ???? Feel free to visit my Facebook group / 678878037566442 Bookings for personal consultations are currently not possible, a video will appear here on YouTube when places are available again ???? I would be very happy about a donation for my free oracles ???? https://paypal.me/sanarasasanarasaphi... Please do not use my email address [email protected] for enquiries or bookings ???? Cards used Golden Universal Tarot by Roberto De Angelis (c) Lo Scarabeo Soul Realm Cards by Christina Arana Fader (c) Schirner Verlag Amor's Messages by Toni Carmine Salerno (c) Silberschnur Verlag #tarot #cardreading #spirituality