Download our current special report now to find out everything about asset protection against the multi-crisis: https://privatinvestor-goldfonds.de/g... ℹ️ To the video Gold investment in uncertain times: Florian Günther talks about new ways of investing in gold, the problem of the asset register and practical solutions for private investors. An informative interview about the possibilities of physical gold investment outside the EU and its advantages and disadvantages compared to classic forms of investment. ℹ️ Content 00:00 - Introduction: Classic gold purchase and its challenges 06:14 - Presentation of alternative gold investment options and the new gold fund 14:10 - Legal aspects and practical implementation of gold investment 18:28 - Presentation of the launch campaign and conclusion ℹ️ Further links 📻 The best conversations from our experts are also available to listen to as a podcast. You can find our channel here: https://der-privatinvestor-podcast.po... 📞 The Max Otte Funds offer you long-term and value-oriented investments from a single source. Find out more now in a personal conversation: https://max-otte-fonds.de/lp-kontakta... 🏠 Real estate is the most popular investment among Germans. But there are now major risks behind this former investment champion. Find out in our current special report "Concrete gold or risk?" what dangers the value of your property is exposed to: http://max-otte-fonds.de/spezialrepor... 🛑 Is your money still safe in the current banking system? Download our special report "Attack on cash" now to find out more: https://max-otte-fonds.de/spezialrepo... 🏦 Find out more about the exclusive financial center of Liechtenstein in our special report: https://max-otte-fonds.de/spezialrepo... 📕 Order your copy of Prof. Dr.'s new book here. Max Otte and secure attractive bonus material: https://endlich-mit-aktien-geld-verdi...?utm_source=pi-tv&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=pi-tv 📈 Become a member of our investment newsletter The Private Investor and you will also receive the 7-part video course with Prof. Dr. Max Otte and Kolja Barghoorn worth 1,990 euros: https://endlich-mit-aktien-geld-verdi... ℹ️ Follow our other social media channels: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/derprivatin... LinkedIn: / pi-kapitalanlage-gmbh Twitter/X: / dprivatinvestor Facebook: / prof.dr.max.otte Telegram: https://t.me/maxotteoffiziell