Join the channel members ???? / ten-star list For his fans, Elon Musk is synonymous with the future and has indeed put quite a lot on the table. His companies produce brain-mounted chips, self-driving cars and reusable rockets, and now he also owns Twitter. As a computer scientist, innovator and entrepreneur, he has achieved many goals, but he also has a lot of projects that have failed or have been delayed a lot and have not delivered nearly what he promised. The situation is not helped by the fact that one of Musk's favorite pastimes, in addition to writing Twitter posts, is excessive self-promotion. This creates the false illusion that he is always working on the next big project and has achieved all his previous goals. And in the huge whirlwind, we seem to not take into account his many failures and false promises. So what is the reality? Could it be that the whole Musk phenomenon is just a balloon that will burst sooner or later because of his big words? Maybe in the not-so-distant future? We're also on Instagram: /tizeslista Tizes lista Facebook: /tizeslista Sources: https://pastebin.com/SwjCxThv Intro music: https://motionarray.com/royalty-free-... Outro music: Cold Funk - Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) #elonmusk #interesting #tizeslista