THIS GUY WANTS TO MEET PRESA Welcome to another video from the Santa Morte kennel. Today we show a visit from a guy who wanted to meet our Canary Presas and of course I'm talking about the trainer Adilar Curvello who came all the way from Santa Catarina to visit us. He wanted to know if the dogs have a real temperament, if they would bite in real life. Here we always select for that, dogs to protect the family with structure, health and aggression that cannot be lacking. With over 40 years of training, he analyzed our stock and gave his opinion on our breeding. He met the Cannibal and Black Widow puppies and all the dogs in general. I think he loved Carnicero, son of Onna and Bocanegra. By the way, we still forgot to show Boca and Lurin, who are on the other farm. I told him a little about how I select them here at the kennel, the plans and I showed him the gray puppies and the dirty or mechanical colored ones too. Don't forget to leave your like, okay? Do you want shirts and caps? 45 9 8822 4957 I IMPORTED A GIANT PREGNANT FEMALE • I IMPORTED A GIANT PREGNANT FEMALE IS THE ARGENTINE DOGO GOOD AT GUARDING? PODCAST • IS THE ARGENTINE DOGO GOOD AT GUARDING? PODCAST TELEGRAM Channel https://t.me/santapresa Offered by IBC & Natural Formula Subscribe and leave your like ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ our Instagram @presa.santamorte www.bandog.com.br Our partner in collars and accessories ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ For more information, contact us #presacanario #dogoargentino #canilsantamorte