Today the fishing is in the United States of America! I'm in the state of Virginia looking for a totally different kind of fishing! FISHING IN VIRGINIA / USA EQUIPMENT ROD CHROMA BG 7'0 40 LBS Reel CHROMA BG Line VEXTER X8 40 lbs All fishing equipment from Marine Phone for retailers: +55 45 3026-3750 Customer service: +55 45 9 8831-5455 Website: Http://www.marinesportsfishing.com/ Instagram: @marine.fishing Facebook: @marinesportsfishing Youtube Channel: marinesportsoficial Yamaha Motors Instagram:( / yamaha.nautica.brasil ) Shirts Faca na Rede Instagram:( / facanarede ) Polaris Nautica Instagram: ( / polarisnautica ) Café do Pescador Instagram: ( / cafedopescador ) XboastsBR Instagram: ( / xboatsbr ) Auto Boat Instagram: ( / autoboat.store ) Refrigerator Cooling Instagram: (https://www.instagram.com/loja.resfri...) BadFish Shoes Instagram: (https://www.instagram.com/badfishsapa...) Prisma Grill Barbecue Instagram: (https://www.instagram.com/prismagrill...) #johnnyhoffmann #fishing #trairao